Hotel Swissotel
28th November 2024
09:00 - 14:00
About us
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was launched as a direct result of the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which began under the auspices of the United Nations in Geneva in 2003 and continued in Tunis in 2005.
The IGF has been a global event convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations since 2006. It is organized as a platform for multi-stakeholder discussions on Internet governance issues in an open and inclusive manner.
It welcomes representatives from civil society, government, the private sector, the technical community, academia, and the media.

Denis Džidić
Executive director
BIRN BiH (Detektor)

Ingrid MacDonald
UN Resident Coordinator for BiH

Dunja Mijatović
Expert on human rights and new technologies
Keynote speaker

Edin Forto
State Minister for Communications and Transport
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Anja Gengo
Program expert
UN IGF Secretariat

Arben Murtezić
Center for education of judges and prosecutors

Feđa Kulenović
Senior Assistant
University of Sarajevo / USAID BMAP FORWARD

Jillian C. York
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Maida Ćulahović
Policy Coordinator
CA Why Not?

Maja Ćalović
Coalition for content moderation BiH

Edin Ikanović
Srebrenica memorial center

Enes Hodžić
Investigative journalist
BIRN BiH (Detektor)

Irvin Pekmez
Investigative journalist
BIRN BiH (Detektor)

doc. dr. Lamija Silajdžić
Faculty of Political Sciences UNSA

Senka Krivić
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UNSA

Darko Brkan
Executive Director
CA Why Not?
Time | Program |
09:00 - 09:30 | Arrival and registration of participants |
09:30 - 09:45 | Organizers about BHIGF Denis Džidić, BIRN BiH (Detektor), Executive director Darko Brkan, UG Zašto ne?, Executive director |
09:45 - 10:00 | Opening speech Ingrid Macdonald, UN Resident Coordinator for BiH |
10:00 - 10:15 | SETTING THE SCENE Dunja Mijatović, Expert on human rights and new technologies, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (2018-2024), OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (2010-2017) |
10:15 - 11:15 | Why has BiH not made progress on a systematic approach to IG? - Moderator: Tijana Cvjetićanin, UG Zašto ne? - Edin Forto, State Minister for Communications and Transport - Anja Gengo, Program expert, UN IGF Secretariat - Arben Murtezić, director, Center for education of judges and prosecutors - Feđa Kulenović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo / USAID BMAP FORWARD |
11:15 - 11:30 | Coffee break |
11:30 - 12:30 | How do big platforms approach content moderation in small countries like BiH? - Moderator: Zlatan Hajlovac, Forum ZFD - Jillian C. York, Director of International Freedom of Expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation - Maida Ćulahovic, UG Zašto ne? / CA Why Not?, Policy Coordinator - Maja Ćalović, Coalition for content moderation BiH - Edin Ikanović, Srebrenica memorial center |
12:30 – 12:45 | Coffee break |
12:45 – 13:45 | Bosnian transitional complexities confronted with Foreign malign disinfo and AI generated realities - Moderator: Enes Hodžić, investigative journalist, BIRN BiH - Irvin Pekmez, investigative journalist, BIRN BiH (Detektor) - doc. dr. Lamija Silajdžić, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo - Senka Krivić, Professor, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Sarajevo |
13:45 – 14:00 | BH IGF messages & closing remarks |
14:00 | Lunch for participants & networking |